“Please… I… I don’t want to fight… I don’t want to kill, no matter how evil you are.”
– Son Gohan

Voice-over Artists: Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)/Masako Nozawa (JP)
Race: Saiyan-Human Hybrid
Gender: Male
Named after Goku’s adoptive grandfather, Son Gohan is the eldest son of Chichi and Goku and is one of the most prominent protagonists of the Dragon Ball franchise. Although Gohan does not share his father’s lust for battle, he has shown a truly incredible amount of fighting potential since he was a small child. Recognizing the child’s power in Goku’s absence, Piccolo the Namekian took Gohan and trained him in the art of battle. Developing a hard-won friendship, Gohan grew to admire and respect Piccolo as much as his father. Despite his hatred for violence, young Gohan fought to protect his friends and family from danger on many occasions. As an adolescent, Gohan was forced to defend the earth from the horrific Bio-Android Cell in The Cell Games. After witnessing his friend Android 16’s death, Gohan’s emotions overwhelmed him and he released the power that had been lingering inside him his whole life. In a rage fueled transformation, Son Gohan became the first to achieve Super Saiyan 2 and used this power to defeat the monstrous Cell.
In Dragon Ball FighterZ, Gohan (Teen) is a character defined by his aggressive “rushdown” style offense, strong mixups, and pressure. If played correctly, Gohan (Teen) has access to some of the highest damage in the game. Gohan (Teen) has a very limited but functional toolkit and is armed with an oppressive auto-combo. While Gohan (Teen) is one of the strongest point characters in the history of Dragon Ball FighterZ, there are many successful examples of him functioning in any role given the right team structure. Make sure to give Gohan (Teen) a try in Season 3!
A. Super Dragon Flight
B. Masendan
C. Flying Kick
Special Moves
5-Hit Combo
236 L, M, H (0.5 bar)
Gohan performs a long-range dashing kick. Upon hit, Gohan will perform four additional attacks dependent on button inputs. The heavy version will automatically perform the follow-up hits.
Super Dragon Flight
214 L, M, H (0.5 bar)
Gohan launches an invincible uppercut while jumping forward. The heavy version is a two-part attack.
Flying Kick
236 L, M, H (0.5 bar) – (Air Only)
Gohan attacks with a flurry of lightning fast kicks. The medium and heavy versions will cause a wall bounce, can be held for greater effect.
Super Attacks
Motionless Kamehameha
236 R1/R2 (1 bar)
Without charging, Gohan fires off a Super-Kamehameha at an upward angle.
Meteor Attack
Father-Son Kamehameha
214 R1/R2 (3 bars)
With only one arm, Gohan calls the spirit of Goku to help him launch a gigantic Super-Kamehameha.
Father-Son Kamehameha (Full Power)
R1/R2 (Hold) (2 bars)
Goku pushes Gohan to use all his remaining energy to empower their Kamehameha wave!
More Gohan (Teen)
Infiltrator is a fantastic DBFZ content creator who has a modest but growing presence. They have a wonderful series of combo guides for many characters in season 3, which are informative and easy to digest. Here are links to the basic and advanced combo guides for Gohan (Teen). I highly suggest checking out Infiltrator’s gameplay footage as well, they have a great attitude and outlook on the game and provide insight into the decision-making process of competitive play. Please make sure to like their videos and subscribe to Infiltrator!
Here is a guide from the great Neji4real, this time for Gohan (Teen)! As always, their content is concise, informative, and welcoming. Neji4real will consistently teach, entertain, and inspire you to be better and try new things. Please make sure to like their videos and subscribe to Neji4real, they deserve the love!
Here are a great set of matches between the players Kaimart and Verdane. Kaimart has invested a lot of time as a Gohan (Teen) character specialist and this continues into season 3. Kaimart can play Gohan (Teen) in any position, and consistently demonstrates Gohan’s (Teen) comeback potential on anchor. This video was created by YogaFlame24. Their content highlights recent top-level players and character specialists. Please check out their videos as a great way to see your favorite characters played at the highest level. Make sure to like and subscribe to YogaFlame24!
Here is a lore video from IKevinX, where they showcase the anime and manga references for Gohan (Teen)! Their content is a delightful way to learn more about the lore behind your favorite characters in an entertaining way. Please make sure to like their videos and subscribe to IKevinX!
Thank You!
I want to extend a big thank you to all the viewers, players, and content creators out there in the FighterZ community. There are so many talented and passionate people out there, and I am proud to be able to learn together with you all. I hope you can enjoy this as a resource, a reference, and an overall positive place to learn and appreciate this game. Please stay happy, stay healthy, and in true Saiyan fashion, let’s always strive to improve – together 😊